Learning to Channel is a completely life changing journey! It is one of the best experiences one can have as a means to experience powerful personal spiritual unfoldment and conscious transformation.Channeling is not something only a few can do, it’s something everyone can experience, and involves consciously shifting your mential perspectives in order to achieve greater more expansive states of consciousness.
In our journey together we are not “teaching you anything you don’t already know!” As you awaken, and remember how to channel, you build a bridge to the higher realms — the all loving, caring, benevolent collective of higher consciousness. Awaken Your Connection To Spirit is the flagship program in Angels Emerging’s Quantum Channeling Series, and is now offered as a two month deeper dive course! Designed in the format of the ancient mystery schools, our Channeling Program fosters integrity, wisdom, courage, expression, and self-sovereignty.

Meet Your Guides and Trust Your Messages!

Remembering who you truly are as you make a quantum leap in your spiritual evolution


Learn How To Channel

  • Accelerate your spiritual unfolding to Soul Guidance
  • Begin building a solid relationship with at least one primary Guide
  • Feel the impulse of creative stimulation and expression of your inner creative self…through channeling we have birthed writers, painters, singer songwriters, as creative juices that have been latent inside become unleashed
  • Learn the ABC’s of Channeling to establish your personal guidance system and lifelong access to confidently communicate with your Guides

March 2 and March 23, 2024 


One 90-minute Mentoring Session scheduled at your convenience



Module One will take place over two weekends, one Saturday each month PLUS a personal 1:1 mentoring session dedicated to your connection with your Soul Guidance! 

Unlock Your Psychic Super Powers and Transform your Life

In two enlightening week-ends, our Channeling Series will provide you with everything you’ll need to:

  • Harness the power of your soul’s purpose, and know yourself as a channel for divine wisdom

  • Recognize yourself as a vibrant Divine Being, seeing past ALL outer appearances

  • Focus on listening to your soul, rather than your ego; as you do so your life will change and move in new and miraculous ways
  • Use unique daily spiritual practices that will enhance everything in your life—not only what you say, but everything you choose as well

  • Develop a deep conscious awareness of what your Spiritual gifts are—what you are here to do and manifest in the world that can only be delivered through you!

Meet Your Guide and Teacher

For over 12 years Connie Viveros have been helping individuals around the world realize and activate their psychic abilities. In doing so, she has created a one-of-a-kind Channeling Training as a new type of program that combines core spiritual teachings, channeled wisdom and deep experiential processes to deliver the most in-depth course of study, one that will jump start your own channeling journey.

Connie uses her own spiritual and channeling journey, and her connection with the Divine Mother, to offer up-to-date guidance as you embark on your own spiritual awakening. Her unique Channeling Program is designed to elevate your spiritual growth, allowing you to refine and share your soul gifts, thus serving the world. The 2 Module Course (taken one at a time) aids in discovering and aligning with your unique, soul-inspired gifts. These gifts hold immense value, ready to be unfolded and used to their full potential.


Learn “How” to Channel – Remembering Who You Truly Are

By the completion of this module you’ll know ‘How to Connect’ and communicate with at least one primary Spiritual Guide. We all have many Guides around us, yet making solid relationship with one primary Guide can help facilitate the initial stages of your journey. This Guide or group of cosmic Guides, are more than dedicated to supporting you in awakening to your soul journey.

In addition, you will be invited to join an extensive channeling support community, at no charge, and receive ongoing assistance and opportunities for practice. It is an incredibly loving community filled with amazing healers and channels.

What you will receive:  

  • Tools and protocols to establish a conscious connection to Spiritual Guidance
  • Teaching of the ABC’s of channeling, and what has worked for over 800 students to connect and confidently hear messages from the highest vibrational spiritual guidance
  • Specific techniques for conscious channeling that are completely safe and nurturing as you step on to the path
  • Attention to your individual “channeling” process, and what or whom you are bringing forth. We allow and honor every individual’s unique expression.
  • Personalized assistance and training from two bonafide Channeling Masters, Archangel Metatron and Divine Mother! 


Become The Channel – Your Truth Will Set You Free

Module two will focus specifically on strengthening your ability to connect with your chosen Spirit Guide or Guides and to align you with your true spiritual purpose on earth. Much like our Module 1 weekend intensive, you will experience a deepening and awakening to more of your spiritual senses (the Clairs), and attune yourself to a higher vibrational frequency that you can easily implement into your daily life.
In this module you will delve further into your path as a sacred channel using practices and exercises that will provide profound levels of spiritual growth as you learn how to cultivate your connection with Guidance or a team of Guides. This “next level” training will also “meet you right where you are” on your channeling experience, and there is no need to feel “accomplished” or to “perfect” any of the tools taught in our previous modules. Throughout the weekend we will be in the listening of our own guidance, as we provide you with advanced tools and training to bolster your spiritual abilities, understand your soul’s wisdom and path, and leave you ready to deliver clear messages with consistency and accuracy.
What you will receive:
  • Learn how to be a clear and reliable channel for messages
  • Practice your connection with Spirit through deeper meditations and protocols
  • Break through your fears, and what you perceive stops you from being a clear and open channel
  • How to eliminate negative energies so you can receive clear messages
  • Channeling your spirit energies to create healing: first yourself then your world

Our Next Channeling Series Begins September 2023 - JOIN NOW!

If you are seeking a much deeper and greater understanding of your own psychic abilities, and how you can activate these tools in your life, then this course is a perfect fit for you. Our journey together is a complete immersion over a two month period where we take an in-depth look at all aspects of channeling–from the highest possible connection, to full body trance channeling, to awake-and-aware channeling, automatic writing and Source Direct Channeling.Our course is completely custom designed, and utilizes practical teaching, direct experience and application. Connie channels every day, and use the very skills taught in this course. Let her show you the way, and get you on track to your own channeling practice, or any other creative outlet.

Course Times & Dates

MODULE 1: March 2 and March 23, 2024

MODULE 2: April 20 & May 4, 2024

Class meets LIVE via ZOOM both on Saturday’s 

10 AM – 2 PM Pacific / 1 PM – 5 PM Eastern Standard Time

All classes are held online via ZOOM. Sign up for one module or both modules and SAVE!  

Due to the highly personalized nature of this training, each series is limited in number of participants. Please enroll early to secure your dates!

Frequent Questions

All classes are held via ZOOM online teleconference, and there will be meal breaks throughout each weekend event. Remarkably, these classes go by very quickly due to the high-engagement and frequent exercises. We keep the energy moving throughout, so there is little time to feel lost or bored.

Absolutely not. You need no prior channeling experience in order to take full advantage of this course. In fact, it is best to begin fresh with a beginner’s mind’. It is quite often like receiving a very special gift when you open the door for the first time to your guidance. We welcome all levels, especially beginners!

Whether you are an experienced psychic, channel or healer, or you are just getting going as a channel, this course will provide you with structure, accountability and process to help accelerate your channeling journey.

Awaken Your Connection to Spirit Channeling Program Will Help You …

  • BECOME the transformational LEADER, HEALER, human BEING you are meant to be;
  • EMBODY your divine gifts in new and innovative ways;
  • EXPRESS your highest levels of truth, awareness and contribution, and ones only YOU are qualified to deliver and share;
  • BREAK FREE from old paradigms and explore new spiritual realms;
  • OPEN AND RECEIVE deeper connection to Source Wisdom, God and The Universe;
  • MAXIMIZE your Divine Gifts and deliver them into the world in wonderfully creative ways;
  • SHIFT your consciousness AND RAISE your vibration;
  • EXPAND & ELEVATE your professional tools if you are a practicing coach, practitioner, or healer!

What Clients Are Saying About Our Programs

Angels Emerging Channeling Training is so much more than learning to be a channel. It’s life changing. Connie and Wendy helped me dig deep within myself to come face to face with who I really am, and allow my smaller self to fade away. Through deepening my connection with spirit, I’ve been able to shed limiting beliefs that have held me back, and step into new and exciting endeavors. Connie and Wendy are the real deal and I highly recommend this training.    – Shari S., Certified Master Channel

The masterful teachings by Angels Emerging, Wendy Gayle & Connie Viveros are divinely guided and very much in alignment with cosmic consciousness. Most importantly, they act as a Divine Guides toward one’s own spiritual development. There is no limit to how much light, love, wisdom, and profound shifts they will obtain within. The completion of this course and receiving mastery produces one thing—miracles!  – Jeannette 

This course has opened up so much and taking me on such a life changing journey. It has taking me to places that I was previously fearful of going and showed me to trust guidance. I highly recommend anyone who desires to learn more about themselves or wants to be able to clearly and consistently hear words of guidance to take this entire course. Connie and Wendy guide you through the entire process with such love and encouragement. Be prepared for a life changing experience.  – Michele D. 

The Awaken Your Connection To Spirit courses with Wendy Gayle and Connie Viveros has helped me not only to get grounded in channeling practice, but to move beyond that into a comfort level that was beyond my expectations. I love the way we were supported, but also the individual attention and individualized advise and energetic support. I feel connected to Spirit and confident in my ability to call upon guidance in my life and beyond. It was truly an amazing experience.  Lois

I am completely blown away by the incredible, sacred space held for each one of us in this course! The energy was flowing both energetically and technically all weekend long. ​I loved meeting and connecting with everyone in the group. Connie and Wendy are compassionate, kind teachers who thrive on seeing their students take flight. Their divine guidance is not only constantly present but also contagious. My life has been transformed by this work!  – Julie S.


I absolutely loved the purity of Angels Emergings teachings and could feel all the love poured into this training. I will no longer be running away from the spiritual world because I have been taught how to maneuver and connect with the divine. Before arriving here, I was so lost, confused, and beaten down throughout my life and you have given me so many amazing tools to heal myself – understanding that I am a sanctuary of light, that I must protect my sacred space, and that I need to ask the divine for help has been a game-changer for me. The teachings are very powerful and I have had many wonderful experiences throughout this process from synchronistic events to feeling the energies move through me, to incoming inspirational thoughts and ideas. If I would have known what I now know, I could have avoided much pain and suffering in my life. I [still] have a lot of work to do on myself and feel very confident that the practices I have been given will get me where I need to be. My heart is overflowing with gratitude.   – Sharon 

The power of these courses cannot be overstated. I have taken every class offered by Angels Emerging, because each time I am awestruck by the wisdom and insight in each of the calls. Wendy and Connie are simply wonderful because they so uniquely complement each other. The inspired teachings and points of clarification that they bring to the table have allowed for a greater expansion of my connection to Source Guidance and particularly my soul path. If this is your first time channeling, please sign up now…you will thank yourself later. Love and light always.   -Kristine

I highly recommend Angels Emerging’s “Awakening the Channel [Awaken Your Connection to Spirit]” training. Connie and Wendy were wonderful at holding encouraging and loving space for our natural channeling gifts to be fully rooted in us. I absolutely loved the presence of Divine Mother and Metatron in our teaching sessions. Their presence, along with advice, support, and divine wisdom they provided a wonderfully safe environment for everyone in the class to surrender, allow and ‘be’ a clear, open vessel to receive true guidance. It was a great experience.  – Cynthia Welch

Awakening the Channel / Awaken Your Connection to Spirit with Angels Emerging is a must do, especially if you are interested in learning about channeling and want to realize your gifts and talents. As a requirement to The Diamond Co-Creative System® Accreditation for Coaches, Practitioners & Teachers, it will open the door to what you are here to contribute to others and the world! Thank you Connie and Wendy for being a conduit to steward others in fulfilling their SOUL’s Purpose and destiny!  Amanda Slade, Founder, The Diamond Co-Creative System®

Register NOW

Enroll in One Module For $447 


If you’re ready to take your psychic abilities to the next level REGISTER TODAY for Awaken Your Connection to Spirit.

Whether choosing to enroll in one module today or both, this course promises to accelerate and uplift your spiritual awakening!

Our Sacred Promise To You

The Angels Emerging AWAKEN YOUR CONNECTION TO SPIRIT 2-MODULE SERIES is a wonderfully easy and unique way to step onto your spiritual path. When you begin your journey of channeling, life can feel much less lonely and isolating. When your first discover the wondrous aspects and attributes of non-physical Beings, Angels, Ascended Masters or galactic Spirits who are always waiting, wanting to help and love us to our highest, there is a certain magic about life that lifts and excites us.

Learning how to channel can quickly and easily unlock information about your Soul’s purpose, destiny, and unique spiritual gifts that you never knew existed before—not only for yourself, but also for loved ones, and if you wish, eventually paying clients. Through our comprehensive, multi-level system of practicing and learning how to channel you will consciously and intuitively begin to…

  • Achieve successful connection to higher levels of wisdom and consciousness,
  • Access greater wisdom and deeper understanding of your journey as a Spiritual Human,
  • Feel the impulse of creative stimulation and expression of your inner creative self…through channeling we have birthed writers, painters, singer songwriter creative juices that have been latent inside, and unleashed them,
  • Find untapped courage and confidence in yourself, the world and others
  • Accelerate your spiritual awakening and unfolding in ways you could never imagine

Refund Policy

All of our channeling courses, workshops and trainings are intended for those who are open to embracing their next steps in the ongoing spiritual journey, to support your deepest Soul awakening and unfolding.

Due to the highly transformational nature of this course, all refund requests must be made within 5 days of purchase. No refunds will be given after the five-day refund period, and you will remain responsible for any remaining outstanding payments due. Any decision you make for non-participation after the refund period expires will not be a valid reason for a refund request. Once the first commencement session starts there is a strict no-refund policy.