Did you know you have many amazing Superpowers within you just waiting to be awakened?
Gifts that shift our lives out of mundane struggles into anticipating miracles as an every day occurrence.
Can you imagine what your life would look like if you had the ability to embrace your intuition as a Super Power?
What would it feel like to effortlessly manifest what you choose for your life?
How would your life change if you had the ability to hear your souls voice and the voices of all your guidance clearly?
Nothing would look or feel the same!

Enjoy this one-of-a-kind signature training

Remembering who you truly are as you make a quantum leap in your spiritual evolution

Achieve Super Power Results
  • Open the doors of your psychic awareness
  • Awaken your spiritual senses (the Clairs), and attune yourself to a higher vibrational frequency
  • Create a deeper connection to Spirit
  • Introduction to tools and concepts that provide lasting connection
Unlock YOUR Next Level Intuitive Power
  • Accelerate your spiritual unfolding to Soul Guidance
  • Begin building a solid relationship with at least one primary Guide
  • Feel the impulse of creative stimulation and expression of your inner creative self…through channeling we have birthed writers, painters, singer songwriters, as creative juices that have been latent inside become unleashed

In one single day, you’ll receive everything needed to:

  • Recognize yourself as a vibrant Divine Being, seeing past ALL outer appearances.
  • Focus on listening to your soul, rather than your ego; as you do so your life will change and move in new and miraculous ways.
  • Harness the power of your soul’s purpose and begin seeing and knowing yourself as a potential channel for divine wisdom!
  • Learn how to embrace unique daily spiritual practices that will enhance everything in your life—not only what you say, but everything you choose as well
  • Develop a deep conscious awareness of what your Spiritual gifts–your strongest clairs—AND, how you can begin manifesting in the world!

Sunday, October 30, 2022

10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Pacific Time

1:00 – 4:00 PM Eastern

Class meets on ZOOM

Make Payment Here

After registering you will receive an email confirmation along with the log in details. Don’t worry if you can’t join live, a recording will be sent after the class.

Thank you for interest!

Meet Your Guides

For over 12 years Wendy Gayle and Connie Viveros have been helping thousands of individuals around the world realize and activate their psychic abilities. In doing so, they have created Awaken Your Super Powers, a new type of program that combines core spiritual teachings, channeled wisdom and deep experiential processes to deliver the most in-depth course of study, one that will jump start your own channeling journey.

Wendy & Connie provide you with the most up-to-date information as you awaken your natural talents to achieve success. Our Awaken Your Super Powers weekend workshop has been created specifically to level-up your own spiritual journey so you can hone and deliver your soul gifts and be of service to the world. Your gifts have enormous value, and Awaken Your Super Powers will help you discover and align with your unique soul-inspired gifts.

Our Awakening the Channel Program Will Help You …

  • BECOME the transformational LEADER, HEALER, human BEING you are meant to be;
  • EMBODY your divine gifts in new and innovative ways;
  • EXPRESS your highest levels of truth, awareness and contribution, and ones only YOU are qualified to deliver and share;
  • BREAK FREE from old paradigms and explore new spiritual realms;
  • OPEN AND RECEIVE deeper connection to Source Wisdom, God and The Universe;
  • MAXIMIZE your Divine Gifts and deliver them into the world in wonderfully creative ways;
  • SHIFT your consciousness AND RAISE your vibration;
  • EXPAND & ELEVATE your professional tools if you are a practicing coach, practitioner, or healer!

What Clients Are Saying About Our Programs

I loved the content of this program, as I’ve been putting into practice the teachings and integrating them in to my everyday life. These courses and teachings have taken my connection with Divine Guidance to a whole new level. I would totally recommend the entire channeling study course, and working with Angels Emerging has been awesome.   — Lisa M.

The masterful teachings by Angels Emerging are divinely guided and very much in alignment with cosmic consciousness. Most importantly, she acts as a Divine Guide toward one’s own spiritual development. There is no limit to how much light, love, wisdom, and profound shifts they will obtain within. The completion of this course and receiving mastery produces one thing—miracles!  – Jeannette

This course has opened up so much and taking me on such a life changing journey. It has taking me to places that I was previously fearful of going and showed me to trust guidance. I highly recommend anyone who desires to learn more about themselves or wants to be able to clearly and consistently hear words of guidance to take this entire course. Connie and Wendy guide you through the entire process with such love and encouragement. Be prepared for a life changing experience.  – Michele D.

The power of these courses cannot be overstated.I have taken every class offered by Angels Emerging, because each time I am awestruck by the wisdom and insight in each of the calls. Wendy and Connie are simply wonderful because they so uniquely complement each other. The inspired teachings and points of clarification that they bring to the table have allowed for a greater expansion of my connection to Source Guidance and particularly my soul path. If this is your first time channeling, please sign up now…you will thank yourself later. Love and light always.   – Kristin.

I absolutely loved the purity of Angels Emergings teachings and could feel all the love poured into this training. I will no longer be running away from the spiritual world because I have been taught how to maneuver and connect with the divine. Before arriving here, I was so lost, confused, and beaten down throughout my life and you have given me so many amazing tools to heal myself – understanding that I am a sanctuary of light, that I must protect my sacred space, and that I need to ask the divine for help has been a game-changer for me. The teachings are very powerful and I have had many wonderful experiences throughout this process from synchronistic events to feeling the energies move through me, to incoming inspirational thoughts and ideas. If I would have known what I now know, I could have avoided much pain and suffering in my life. I [still] have a lot of work to do on myself and feel very confident that the practices I have been given will get me where I need to be. My heart is overflowing with gratitude.   – Sharon 

Our Sacred Promise To You

The Angels Emerging Awaken Your Super Powers Training is a wonderfully easy and unique way to step onto your spiritual path. When you begin your journey of awakening life can feel much less lonely and isolating. When your first discover the wondrous aspects and attributes of Beings, Angels, or Ascended Master Spirits who are always waiting to help and love us to our highest, there is a certain magic about life that lifts and excites us.

Learning how to access your intuitive and psychic tools can quickly and easily unlock information about your Soul’s purpose, destiny, and unique spiritual gifts that you never knew existed before—not only for yourself, but also for loved ones, and if you wish, eventually paying clients. Through our comprehensive, multi-level system of practicing and learning how to channel you will consciously and intuitively begin to…

  • Achieve successful connection to higher levels of wisdom and consciousness,
  • Access greater wisdom and deeper understanding of your journey as a Spiritual Human,
  • Feel the impulse of creative stimulation and expression of your inner creative self…through channeling we have birthed writers, painters, singer songwriter creative juices that have been latent inside, and unleashed them,
  • Find untapped courage and confidence in yourself, the world and others
  • Accelerate your spiritual awakening and unfolding in ways you could never imagine

Refund Policy

All of our channeling courses, workshops and trainings are intended for those who are open to embracing their next steps in the ongoing spiritual journey, to support your deepest Soul awakening and unfolding.

Due to the highly transformational nature of this course, all refund requests must be made within 5 days of purchase. No refunds will be given after the five-day refund period, and you will remain responsible for any remaining outstanding payments due. Any decision you make for non-participation after the refund period expires will not be a valid reason for a refund request. Once the first commencement session starts there is a strict no-refund policy.